Saturday, August 27, 2005


Neopets: The Movie?!

Strangely enough, a news site says WB is going to make a movie in cooperation with the NeoPets website. Also said was that it will a computer animated movie, akin to Shrek or Toy Story. Ah, Neopets, they've grown since I last saw them. But still, a movie? What do you think?

Friday, August 26, 2005


I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!

To the few people who may have read this blog, I'm back! After I got the computer fixed, I.... spent two months in a mongolian prison, after which I met a man who taught me as a ninja. Later, I was bitten by a radioactive spider, giving me superpowers. Things got really weird when I fell in a well, and got transported to an alternate version of feudal Japan. Eventually, I learned how to pilot a giant robot (that I named a Gundam) and had to fight my best friend (and fell in love with his fiancee!). After taking a chuunin exam (which was abrubtly ended by some snakey guy), I went on this complicated trip with a man with bushy white hair and an affinity for frogs. I recently found out I was a wizard, and that the man that gave me a skar on my forehead, was some dead wizard guy, with a name he did not want to say.

What? That's what happened! What, was it because I was simply too lazy to blog for the last two months?!

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