Sunday, June 19, 2005


Gundam Seed Review - That Episode, ya know, right after the Earth forces attack Orb, and Kira and Athrun meet again

I got to tell you, I love this show. Honestly, something crazy happens every episode!

In any case this episode was fairly good, but couldn't top some of the best episodes, so it was about average. The best stuff occurs around Cagalli and her father. Of course, she is sobbing that she wants him to go on the last ship leaving Orb with her (He'd probably either get killed or captured... more on that later). The three Gundams that blond haired jerk owns try to stop the ship from launching, and Kira and Athrun have to protect it.


The biggest shockers come right at the end, when the ship is just about to leave. Cagalli's father hands her a picture of a mother holding her two babies. One of them has blond hair, and obviously is a baby Cagalli. The father then says something to the effect of "Don't worry, you will be with your brother". You then see that the other baby has brown hair! She then turns the picture to find the name "Kira" followed by her last name (I can't remember it...). In classic fashion, he shuts the door on her and the ship wisks her away. Kira and Athrun have to rush onto the ship before it leaves, and Athrun barely makes it on. The last big shock happens at the end when the ship is flying. Her father presses a button and the entire place blows up. Cagalli yells out "FAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTHHHHHHHHHEEERR!!!!, and we are left with the image of her father looking into the sky before the flames ingulf him...

If you have never seen GS before but still read this, this is just a taste of what happens in this anime. The drama is top notch, something crazy happens every episode!

This definitly one of the better episode! So I am giving it a 7.5.

Score: 7.5

-Killer-Diller Drama
-Shocking Info
-Sets the stage for Kira-Cagalli confrontion

-Since he wasn't very 3 dementional, I didn't care that her father died
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