Friday, June 17, 2005


Yay! The site is back to normal!!! Also, tips on how you can a site back from the brink!

Alright! I managed to regain the old html code of my site and copy/paste it back onto the the form editor.I am especailly proud of how I managed to do this.

Let's say that your sites been on the web for a bit, and you've accidently messed up your HTML code. I accidently erased a portion of the code, then saved it. Go to Google and find your site on it. DON'T CLICK THE LINK TO THE SITE. Instead, click on the "cached" link. You'll be brought to a cached version of your site!!! Now all you have to do is to view the source, copy/paste it, and erase the section Google put on the top! If your browser won't allow you to view the source, or the like (I did this at school, so I had to use this. It is an online view source that works well!

I know from experience this can be a frustrating experience (see below), but I hope the above will help you as much as it did me.

I'd also better put a link to the site, since I still can't figure out how to get it on the left Links menu.

Pheonic Endeavors
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