Monday, September 12, 2005


Big News! Naruto anime has come to Canada!

You may not know, but I really love the manga Naruto. If you've never heard of, go look it up at a book store or on the internet. In any case, there is an anime for it (however, a bit crappy, as some of the battle effects are subpar. If you see it, you'll know).

In any case, if you live in Canada (Buffulo or Quebec, do you get YTV there?), I just got some news. To those who don't know the channel YTV (Youth Televison, they're part of Corus), they have a segment called Bionix, where they claim it's the " largest collection of anime in Canada" which is pretty sad since it's pretty much only three(Inuyasha, Gundam Seed, and .Hack//Sign. The only other shows are Reboot and Beasties (or Beast Wars in the US), CG shows by the same people).

But as I saw their new ad, who should pop up, but Naruto! I swear, a tingle went down my spine, and I was cheering like crazy. Yeah, I like it THAT MUCH.

In other news, Ghost in the Shell is also coming there. And Naruto is on YTV, at 9:30, every Friday.
Grrreat, the first comment I get, and I get an ad for a dating site...
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