Saturday, October 01, 2005


I hate Naruto's catchphrase? Believe it!

Well, now three english episodes of Naruto have aired, and it has remained relativly loyal to the original (viz does a nice job of these things). Some things have been changed (no more massive nosebleeds from the sexy jitsu, and Naruto/Sasuke kiss isn't litearly shown, which may be for the best.) Other things differ from other translations (it's the shadow clone jitsu in the anime, but it's the art of the shadow doppelganger in the manga. Also, I took a while to get used to Naruto's voice, and they didn't keep the same opening sequence (though I did hate the song, ROCKS)), but it's all really minor.


I hate his new catchphrase. It first surfaced in the first episode, when Naruto tells his dream to be Hokage to Iruka ("Everyone... will look up to me! Believe it!"), but I thought nothing of it. Then it hit me this would go on as he said it about two or three times in the Konohamaru episode ("You want to be a ninja? Then Believe it!), which seem really clipped in and out of place. Yet again it appeared once in the last episode (don't remember what context it was in though).

Hopefully, this stops after a while, but if it doesn't, I'll still watch it. I love the Naruto manga, so I'll watch the anime.

(For all your Naruto needs, check out Naruto Chuushin.)
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