Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Tsubasa Chronicles!

Wooo!! They made a game!

To explain, there is manga (soon to be anime) made by CLAMP (famous for such manga as X and Cardcaptor Sakura) called Tsubasa: Resevoir Chronicles. It is cross over manga, including Syaoran (Lee in the English Anime of Cardcaptors) as the main character, and Sakura (also crossed-over from Cardcaptor Sakura) as the princess of Clow (For more, check a bookstore or someone who specailizes in manga.). Note: the two are featured on the cover of the game.

In any case, I would love to own this game (seeing how the DS is not region-locked), but I can't find a way to import yet (I don't have a credit card, I would have done the same for Naruto 3 and Jump Superstars). In any case, from the japanese Nintendo site the screenshots seem to show an RPG (which I love). It looks like you fight Fai and Chi(0_o I suppose he's the most likely to be evil). I do wonder what attacks Sakura would have (healing? special "wing" attacks that you power up or gain when you get another feather?).

Can someone translate the nintendo page?

UPDATE: I ran the site through the BableFish translator, and loosly translated it. It is a card-based RPG... Comes out Oct. 27th, for 5,229 yen, and up to two people can play.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


The Revolution's controller a suprising success... to me anyways.

Well, well. I being slightly skeptic on how others can be (Note: People who call themselves "hardcore" or "traditional" gamers (Side Note: Who takes a video game seriously?!) would accept it, but obviously people like! Nintendo sure has the knowledge to pull this off (and the gall!)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


The Pooh-Dog

Heh, I just wanted to put this somewhere.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


The Giant Pink Bunny

WAHAHAHA!!! This is just really cool! According to Troy Doney, of the blog Man Bites Dog, "An enormous pink bunny has been erected on an Italian mountainside where it will stay for the next 20 years."

How funny! Who thought of it?! What'll happen to a giant stuffed animal after 20 years!

Friday, September 16, 2005


The Revolution Controller!!!

Finally, Iwata decides to show us. Many were skeptical that Iwata would show much, but he brought what everyone was thinking about or wondering about!

As described at, "The Revolution’s controller, coming in 4 colors, is a remote control-like thing with a D-pad, 3 buttons (A, a, and b) and a B trigger below. It works like a gyroscopic mouse, moving and twisting in 3D (think: Kirby Tilt-n-Tumble). It is indeed wireless, and features rumble capability. It should be packaged with one of the endless number of possible attachments: an analog joystick and two triggers to be held in the left hand."

Check Joystiq for much more!

Monday, September 12, 2005


Big News! Naruto anime has come to Canada!

You may not know, but I really love the manga Naruto. If you've never heard of, go look it up at a book store or on the internet. In any case, there is an anime for it (however, a bit crappy, as some of the battle effects are subpar. If you see it, you'll know).

In any case, if you live in Canada (Buffulo or Quebec, do you get YTV there?), I just got some news. To those who don't know the channel YTV (Youth Televison, they're part of Corus), they have a segment called Bionix, where they claim it's the " largest collection of anime in Canada" which is pretty sad since it's pretty much only three(Inuyasha, Gundam Seed, and .Hack//Sign. The only other shows are Reboot and Beasties (or Beast Wars in the US), CG shows by the same people).

But as I saw their new ad, who should pop up, but Naruto! I swear, a tingle went down my spine, and I was cheering like crazy. Yeah, I like it THAT MUCH.

In other news, Ghost in the Shell is also coming there. And Naruto is on YTV, at 9:30, every Friday.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Grrreat... It's back to school time...

Yeah, it's back to school for me, so the snores are on. On the bright side, my com. tech class has digital cameras now, so you may get to see some videos here. And the fact that I only had to go for an hour is good too.

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